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Jac API Collections

APIs for actions

This set action APIs enable the manual management of Jaseci actions and action libraries/sets. Action libraries can be loaded locally into the running instance of the python program, or as a remote container linked action library. In this mode, action libraries operate as micro-services. Jaseci will be able to dynamically and automatically make this decision for the user based on online monitoring and performance profiling.

Actions Load Local

cli: actions load local | api: actions_load_local | auth: admin
file: str (*req)

This API will dynamically load a module based on a python file. The module is loaded directly into the running Jaseci python instance. This API also makes an attempt to auto detect and hot load any python package dependencies the file may reference via python's relative imports. This file is assumed to have the necessary annotations and decorations required by Jaseci to recognize its actions.


Params file -- The python file with full to load actions from. (i.e., ~/local/

Actions Load Remote

cli: actions load remote | api: actions_load_remote | auth: admin
url: str (*req)

This API will dynamically load a set of actions that are present on a remote server/micro-service. This server must be configured to interact with Jaseci properly. This is easily achieved using the same decorators used for local action libraries. Remote actions allow for higher flexibility in the languages supported for action libraries. If an library writer would like to use another language, the main hook REST api simply needs to be implemented. Please refer to documentation on creating action libraries for more details.


Params url -- The url of the API server supporting Jaseci actions.

Actions Load Module

cli: actions load module | api: actions_load_module | auth: admin
mod: str (*req)

This API will dynamically load a module using python's module import format. This is particularly useful for pip installed action libraries as the developer can directly reference the module using the same format as a regular python import. As with load local, the module will be loaded directly into the running Jaseci python instance.


Params mod -- The import style module to load actions from. (i.e., jaseci_ai_kit.bi_enc)

Actions List

cli: actions list | api: actions_list | auth: admin
name: str ()

This API is used to list the loaded actions active in Jaseci. These actions include all types of loaded actions whether it be local modules or remote containers. A particular set of actions can be viewed using the name parameter.


Params name -- The name for a library for which to filter the view of shown actions. If left blank all actions from all loaded sets will be shown.

Actions Module List

cli: actions module list | api: actions_module_list | auth: admin
detailed: bool (False)
No documentation yet.

Actions Unload Module

cli: actions unload module | api: actions_unload_module | auth: admin
name: str (*req)
No documentation yet.

Actions Unload Action

cli: actions unload action | api: actions_unload_action | auth: admin
name: str (*req)
No documentation yet.

Actions Unload Actionset

cli: actions unload actionset | api: actions_unload_actionset | auth: admin
name: str (*req)
No documentation yet.

APIs for architype

The architype set of APIs allow for the addition and removing of architypes. Given a Jac implementation of an architype these APIs are designed for creating, compiling, and managing architypes that can be used by Jaseci. There are two ways to add an architype to Jaseci, either through the management of sentinels using the sentinel API, or by registering independent architypes with these architype APIs. These APIs are also used for inspecting and managing existing arichtypes that a Jaseci instance is aware of.

Architype Register

cli: architype register | api: architype_register | auth: user
code: str (*req), encoded: bool (False), snt: Sentinel (None)

This register API allows for the creation or replacement/update of an architype that can then be used by walkers in their interactions of graphs. The code argument takes Jac source code for the single architype. To load multiple archetypes and walkers at the same time, use sentinel register API.


Params code -- The text (or filename) for an archetypes Jac code encoded -- True/False flag as to whether code is encode in base64 snt -- The UUID of the sentinel to be the owner of this architype


Returns - Fields include 'architype': Archetype object if created otherwise null 'success': True/False whether register was successful 'errors': List of errors if register failed 'response': Message on outcome of register call

Architype Get

cli: architype get | api: architype_get | auth: user
arch: Archetype (*req), mode: str (default), detailed: bool (False)
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Params arch -- The architype being accessed mode -- Valid modes: {default, code, ir, } detailed -- Flag to give summary or complete set of fields


Returns - Fields include (depends on mode) 'code': Formal source code for architype 'ir': Intermediate representation of architype 'architype': Archetype object print

Archetype Set

cli: architype set | api: architype_set | auth: user
arch: Archetype (*req), code: str (*req), mode: str (default)
No documentation yet.


Params arch -- The architype being set code -- The text (or filename) for an archetypes Jac code/ir mode -- Valid modes: {default, code, ir, }


Returns - Fields include (depends on mode) 'success': True/False whether set was successful 'errors': List of errors if set failed 'response': Message on outcome of set call

Archetype List

cli: architype list | api: architype_list | auth: user
snt: Sentinel (None), kind: str (None), detailed: bool (False)
No documentation yet.


Params snt -- The sentinel for which to list its archetypes detailed -- Flag to give summary or complete set of fields kind -- Archetype kind used to narrow the result set


Returns - List of architype objects

Archetype Count

cli: architype count | api: architype_count | auth: user
snt: Sentinel (None), kind: str (None)
No documentation yet.


Params snt -- The sentinel for which to list its archetypes detailed -- Flag to give summary or complete set of fields kind -- Archetype kind used to narrow the result set from which the count is evaluated


Returns - Count of architype objects

Archetype Delete

cli: architype delete | api: architype_delete | auth: user
arch: Archetype (*req), snt: Sentinel (None)
No documentation yet.


Params arch -- The architype being set snt -- The sentinel for which to list its archetypes


Returns - Fields include (depends on mode) 'success': True/False whether command was successful 'response': Message on outcome of command

APIs for config

Abstracted since there are no valid configs in core atm, see jaseci_serv to see how used.

Config Get

cli: config get | api: config_get | auth: admin
name: str (*req), do_check: bool (True)
No documentation yet.

Config Set

cli: config set | api: config_set | auth: admin
name: str (*req), value: str (*req), do_check: bool (True)
No documentation yet.

Config List

cli: config list | api: config_list | auth: admin
No documentation yet.

Config Index

cli: config index | api: config_index | auth: admin
No documentation yet.

Config Exists

cli: config exists | api: config_exists | auth: admin
name: str (*req)
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Config Delete

cli: config delete | api: config_delete | auth: admin
name: str (*req), do_check: bool (True)
No documentation yet.

APIs for global

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Global Set

cli: global set | api: global_set | auth: admin
name: str (*req), value: str (*req)
No documentation yet.

Global Delete

cli: global delete | api: global_delete | auth: admin
name: str (*req)
No documentation yet.

Global Sentinel Set

cli: global sentinel set | api: global_sentinel_set | auth: admin
snt: Sentinel (None)
No documentation yet.

Global Sentinel Unset

cli: global sentinel unset | api: global_sentinel_unset | auth: admin
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APIs for graph

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Graph Create

cli: graph create | api: graph_create | auth: user
set_active: bool (True)
No documentation yet.

Graph Get

cli: graph get | api: graph_get | auth: user
nd: Node (None), mode: str (default), detailed: bool (False), depth: int (0)
Valid modes: {default, dot, }

Graph List

cli: graph list | api: graph_list | auth: user
detailed: bool (False)
No documentation yet.

Graph Active Set

cli: graph active set | api: graph_active_set | auth: user
gph: Graph (*req)
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Graph Active Unset

cli: graph active unset | api: graph_active_unset | auth: user
No documentation yet.

Graph Active Get

cli: graph active get | api: graph_active_get | auth: user
detailed: bool (False)
No documentation yet.

Graph Delete

cli: graph delete | api: graph_delete | auth: user
gph: Graph (*req)
No documentation yet.

Graph Node Get

cli: graph node get | api: graph_node_get | auth: user
nd: Node (*req), keys: list ([])
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Graph Node View

cli: graph node view | api: graph_node_view | auth: user
nd: Node (None), detailed: bool (False), show_edges: bool (False), node_type: str (), edge_type: str ()
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Graph Node Set

cli: graph node set | api: graph_node_set | auth: user
nd: Node (*req), ctx: dict (*req)
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Graph Walk

cli: graph walk (cli only)
nd: Node (None)
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APIs for jac

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Jac Build

cli: jac build (cli only)
file: str (*req), out: str (), opt_level: int (4)
No documentation yet.

Jac Disas

cli: jac disas (cli only)
file: str (*req)
and .jir executables

Jac Test

cli: jac test (cli only)
file: str (*req), single: str (), profiling: bool (False), detailed: bool (False)
and .jir executables

Jac Run

cli: jac run (cli only)
file: str (*req), walk: str (init), ctx: dict ({}), profiling: bool (False)
and .jir executables

Jac Dot

cli: jac dot (cli only)
file: str (*req), walk: str (init), ctx: dict ({}), detailed: bool (False)
files and .jir executables

APIs for js_orc

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Load Yaml

cli: load yaml | api: load_yaml | auth: admin
files: list (*req), namespace: str (default)
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Apply Yaml

cli: apply yaml | api: apply_yaml | auth: admin
name: str (*req), file: list (*req), unsafe_paraphrase: str ()
No documentation yet.

Service Refresh

cli: service refresh | api: service_refresh | auth: admin
name: str (*req)
No documentation yet.

Service Call

cli: service call | api: service_call | auth: admin
svc: str (*req), attrs: list ([])
No documentation yet.

Jsorc Actions Load

cli: jsorc actions load | api: jsorc_actions_load | auth: admin
name: str (*req), mode: str (*req)
JSORC will load the corresponding module or start a microservice if needed. Return the current status of the action.

Jsorc Actions Status

cli: jsorc actions status | api: jsorc_actions_status | auth: admin
name: str (*req)
No documentation yet.

Jsorc Actions Unload

cli: jsorc actions unload | api: jsorc_actions_unload | auth: admin
name: str (*req), mode: str (auto), retire_svc: bool (True)
If retire svc is set to True (true by default), it will also retire the corresponding microservice.

Jsorc Actions Config

cli: jsorc actions config | api: jsorc_actions_config | auth: admin
config: str (*req), name: str (*req)
config: name of the ai kit package (e.g. jac nlp.config, jac vision.config) name: name of the action module (e.g. use enc, bi enc)

Jsorc Trackact Start

cli: jsorc trackact start | api: jsorc_trackact_start | auth: admin
Instruct JSORC to start tracking any changes in actions state

Jsorc Trackact Stop

cli: jsorc trackact stop | api: jsorc_trackact_stop | auth: admin
Instruct JSORC to start tracking any changes in actions state

Jsorc Benchmark Start

cli: jsorc benchmark start | api: jsorc_benchmark_start | auth: admin
No documentation yet.

Jsorc Benchmark Report

cli: jsorc benchmark report | api: jsorc_benchmark_report | auth: admin
No documentation yet.

Jsorc Benchmark Stop

cli: jsorc benchmark stop | api: jsorc_benchmark_stop | auth: admin
report: bool (True)
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Jsorc Tracksys Start

cli: jsorc tracksys start | api: jsorc_tracksys_start | auth: admin
No documentation yet.

Jsorc Tracksys Report

cli: jsorc tracksys report | api: jsorc_tracksys_report | auth: admin
No documentation yet.

Jsorc Tracksys Stop

cli: jsorc tracksys stop | api: jsorc_tracksys_stop | auth: admin
No documentation yet.

Jsorc Actionpolicy Set

cli: jsorc actionpolicy set | api: jsorc_actionpolicy_set | auth: admin
policy_name: str (*req), policy_params: dict ({})
No documentation yet.

Jsorc Actionpolicy Get

cli: jsorc actionpolicy get | api: jsorc_actionpolicy_get | auth: admin
No documentation yet.

Jsorc Loadtest

cli: jsorc loadtest | api: jsorc_loadtest | auth: admin
test: str (*req), experiment: str (), mem: int (0)
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APIs for logger

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Logger Http Connect

cli: logger http connect | api: logger_http_connect | auth: admin
host: str (*req), port: int (*req), url: str (*req), log: str (all)
Valid log params: {sys, app, all }

Logger Http Clear

cli: logger http clear | api: logger_http_clear | auth: admin
log: str (all)
Valid log params: {sys, app, all }

Logger Get

cli: logger get | api: logger_get | auth: admin
search: str (), level: str (None)
No documentation yet.

Logger List

cli: logger list | api: logger_list | auth: admin
No documentation yet.

APIs for master

Master Create

cli: master create | api: master_create | auth: user
name: str (*req), password: str (), global_init: str (), global_init_ctx: dict ({}), other_fields: dict ({})
other fields used for additional fields for overloaded interfaces (i.e., Dango interface)

Master Get

cli: master get | api: master_get | auth: user
name: str (*req), mode: str (default), detailed: bool (False)
Valid modes: {default, }

Master List

cli: master list | api: master_list | auth: user
detailed: bool (False)
No documentation yet.

Master Active Set

cli: master active set | api: master_active_set | auth: user
name: str (*req)
NOTE: Special handler included in general interface to api

Master Active Unset

cli: master active unset | api: master_active_unset | auth: user
No documentation yet.

Master Active Get

cli: master active get | api: master_active_get | auth: user
detailed: bool (False)
No documentation yet.

Master Self

cli: master self | api: master_self | auth: user
detailed: bool (False)
No documentation yet.

Master Delete

cli: master delete | api: master_delete | auth: user
name: str (*req)
No documentation yet.

APIs for object

Global Get

cli: global get | api: global_get | auth: user
name: str (*req)
No documentation yet.

Object Get

cli: object get | api: object_get | auth: user
obj: Element (*req), depth: int (0), detailed: bool (False)
No documentation yet.

Object Perms Get

cli: object perms get | api: object_perms_get | auth: user
obj: Element (*req)
No documentation yet.

Object Perms Set

cli: object perms set | api: object_perms_set | auth: user
obj: Element (*req), mode: str (*req)
No documentation yet.

Object Perms Default

cli: object perms default | api: object_perms_default | auth: user
mode: str (*req)
No documentation yet.

Object Perms Grant

cli: object perms grant | api: object_perms_grant | auth: user
obj: Element (*req), mast: Element (*req), read_only: bool (False)
No documentation yet.

Object Perms Revoke

cli: object perms revoke | api: object_perms_revoke | auth: user
obj: Element (*req), mast: Element (*req)
No documentation yet.


cli: info | api: info | auth: public
No documentation yet.

APIs for prometheus

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Prometheus Metrics List

cli: prometheus metrics list | api: prometheus_metrics_list | auth: admin
No documentation yet.

Prometheus Pod List

cli: prometheus pod list | api: prometheus_pod_list | auth: admin
namespace: str (), exclude_prom: bool (False)
No documentation yet.

Prometheus Pod Info

cli: prometheus pod info | api: prometheus_pod_info | auth: admin
namespace: str (), exclude_prom: bool (False), timestamp: int (0), duration: int (0)
No documentation yet.

APIs for queue

APIs used for celery configuration and monitoring

Walker Queue Check

cli: walker queue check | api: walker_queue_check | auth: user
task_id: str ()
No documentation yet.

Walker Queue Wait

cli: walker queue wait | api: walker_queue_wait | auth: user
task_id: str (*req), timeout: int (30)
No documentation yet.

APIs for sentinel

A sentinel is a unit in Jaseci that represents the organization and management of a collection of architypes and walkers. In a sense, you can think of a sentinel as a complete Jac implementation of a program or API application. Though its the case that many sentinels can be interchangeably across any set of graphs, most use cases will typically be a single sentinel shared by all users and managed by an admin(s), or each users maintaining a single sentinel customized for their individual needs. Many novel usage models are possible, but I'd point the beginner to the model most analogous to typical server side software development to start with. This model would be to have a single admin account responsible for updating a single sentinel that all users would share for their individual graphs. This model is achieved through using \texttt{sentinel_register}, \texttt{sentinel_active_global}, and \texttt{global_sentinel_set}.

Sentinel Register

cli: sentinel register | api: sentinel_register | auth: user
name: str (default), code: str (), code_dir: str (./), opt_level: int (4), mode: str (default), encoded: bool (False), auto_run: str (init), auto_run_ctx: dict ({}), auto_create_graph: bool (True), set_active: bool (True)
Auto run is the walker to execute on register (assumes active graph is selected)

Sentinel Pull

cli: sentinel pull | api: sentinel_pull | auth: user
set_active: bool (True), on_demand: bool (True)
No documentation yet.

Sentinel Get

cli: sentinel get | api: sentinel_get | auth: user
snt: Sentinel (None), mode: str (default), detailed: bool (False)
Valid modes: {default, code, ir, }

Sentinel Set

cli: sentinel set | api: sentinel_set | auth: user
code: str (*req), code_dir: str (./), opt_level: int (4), encoded: bool (False), snt: Sentinel (None), mode: str (default)
Valid modes: {code, ir, }

Sentinel List

cli: sentinel list | api: sentinel_list | auth: user
detailed: bool (False)
No documentation yet.

Sentinel Test

cli: sentinel test | api: sentinel_test | auth: user
snt: Sentinel (None), single: str (), detailed: bool (False), profiling: bool (False)
No documentation yet.

Sentinel Active Set

cli: sentinel active set | api: sentinel_active_set | auth: user
snt: Sentinel (*req)
No documentation yet.

Sentinel Active Unset

cli: sentinel active unset | api: sentinel_active_unset | auth: user
No documentation yet.

Sentinel Active Global

cli: sentinel active global | api: sentinel_active_global | auth: user
auto_run: str (), auto_run_ctx: dict ({}), auto_create_graph: bool (False), detailed: bool (False)
Exclusive OR with pull strategy

Sentinel Active Get

cli: sentinel active get | api: sentinel_active_get | auth: user
detailed: bool (False)
No documentation yet.

Sentinel Delete

cli: sentinel delete | api: sentinel_delete | auth: user
snt: Sentinel (*req)
No documentation yet.

APIs for super

No documentation yet.

Master Createsuper

cli: master createsuper | api: master_createsuper | auth: admin
name: str (*req), password: str (), global_init: str (), global_init_ctx: dict ({}), other_fields: dict ({})
other fields used for additional fields for overloaded interfaces (i.e., Dango interface)

Master Allusers

cli: master allusers | api: master_allusers | auth: admin
limit: int (0), offset: int (0), asc: bool (False), search: str (None)
return and offset specifies where to start NOTE: Abstract interface to be overridden

Master Become

cli: master become | api: master_become | auth: admin
mast: Master (*req)
No documentation yet.

Master Unbecome

cli: master unbecome | api: master_unbecome | auth: admin
No documentation yet.

APIs for user

These User APIs enable the creation and management of users on a Jaseci machine. The creation of a user in this context is synonymous to the creation of a master Jaseci object. These APIs are particularly useful when running a Jaseci server or cluster in contrast to running JSCTL on the command line. Upon executing JSCTL a dummy admin user (super_master) is created and all state is dumped to a session file, though any users created during a JSCTL session will indeed be created as part of that session's state.

User Create

cli: user create | api: user_create | auth: public
name: str (*req), password: str (), global_init: str (), global_init_ctx: dict ({}), other_fields: dict ({})

This API is used to create users and optionally set them up with a graph and related initialization. In the context of JSCTL, any name is sufficient and no additional information is required. However, for Jaseci serving (whether it be the official Jaseci server, or a custom overloaded server) additional fields are required and should be added to the other fields parameter as per the specifics of the encapsulating server requirements. In the case of the official Jaseci server, the name field must be a valid email, and a password field must be passed through other fields. A number of other optional parameters can also be passed through other feilds. \vspace{3mm}\par This single API call can also be used to fully set up and initialize a user by leveraging the global init parameter. When set, this parameter attaches the user to the global sentinel, creates a new graph for the user, sets it as the active graph, then runs an initialization walker on the root node of this new graph. The initialization walker is identified by the name assigned to global init. The default empty string assigned to global init indicates this global setup should not be run.


Params name -- The user name to create. For Jaseci server this must be a valid email address. global_init -- The name of an initialization walker. When set the user is linked to the global sentinel and the walker is run on a new active graph created for the user. global_init_ctx -- Context to preload for the initialization walker other_fields -- This parameter is used for additional fields required for overloaded interfaces. This parameter is not used in JSCTL, but is used by Jaseci server for the additional parameters of password, is_activated, and is_superuser.

User Delete

cli: user delete | api: user_delete | auth: admin
name: str (*req)
This API is used to delete a user account.


Params name -- The user name to delete. For Jaseci server this must be a valid email address.

User Deleteself

cli: user deleteself | api: user_deleteself | auth: user
This API is used to delete a user account.

APIs for walker

The walker set of APIs are used for execution and management of walkers. Walkers are the primary entry points for running Jac programs. The primary API used to run walkers is \textbf{walker_run}. There are a number of variations on this API that enable the invocation of walkers with various semantics.

Walker Get

cli: walker get | api: walker_get | auth: user
wlk: Walker (*req), mode: str (default), detailed: bool (False)
Valid modes: {default, code, ir, keys, }

Walker Total

cli: walker total | api: walker_total | auth: user
snt: Sentinel (None), detailed: bool (False)
No documentation yet.

Walker List

cli: walker list | api: walker_list | auth: user
snt: Sentinel (None), detailed: bool (False)
No documentation yet.

Walker Spawn Create

cli: walker spawn create | api: walker_spawn_create | auth: user
name: str (*req), snt: Sentinel (None)
No documentation yet.

Walker Spawn List

cli: walker spawn list | api: walker_spawn_list | auth: user
detailed: bool (False)
No documentation yet.

Walker Spawn Delete

cli: walker spawn delete | api: walker_spawn_delete | auth: user
name: str (*req)
No documentation yet.

Walker Spawn Clear

cli: walker spawn clear | api: walker_spawn_clear | auth: user
No documentation yet.

Walker Yield List

cli: walker yield list | api: walker_yield_list | auth: user
detailed: bool (False)
No documentation yet.

Walker Yield Delete

cli: walker yield delete | api: walker_yield_delete | auth: user
name: str (*req)
No documentation yet.

Walker Yield Clear

cli: walker yield clear | api: walker_yield_clear | auth: user
No documentation yet.

Walker Prime

cli: walker prime | api: walker_prime | auth: user
wlk: Walker (*req), nd: Node (None), ctx: dict ({}), _req_ctx: dict ({})
No documentation yet.

Walker Execute

cli: walker execute | api: walker_execute | auth: user
wlk: Walker (*req), prime: Node (None), ctx: dict ({}), _req_ctx: dict ({}), profiling: bool (False)
No documentation yet.

Walker Run

cli: walker run | api: walker_run | auth: user
name: str (*req), nd: Node (None), ctx: dict ({}), _req_ctx: dict ({}), snt: Sentinel (None), profiling: bool (False), is_async: bool (None)
reports results, and cleans up walker instance.


cli: wapi | api: wapi | auth: user
name: str (*req), nd: Node (None), ctx: dict ({}), _req_ctx: dict ({}), snt: Sentinel (None), profiling: bool (False)
No documentation yet.

Walker Summon

cli: walker summon | api: walker_summon | auth: public
key: str (*req), wlk: Walker (*req), nd: Node (*req), ctx: dict ({}), _req_ctx: dict ({}), global_sync: bool (True)
along with the walker id and node id

Walker Callback

cli: walker callback | api: walker_callback | auth: public
nd: Node (*req), wlk: Walker (*req), key: str (*req), ctx: dict ({}), _req_ctx: dict ({}), global_sync: bool (True)
along with the walker id and node id

APIs for webhook

No documentation yet.


cli: webhook | api: webhook | auth: public
provider: str (*req), _req_ctx: dict ({}), _raw_req_ctx: str (None)
No documentation yet.

APIs for apps_v1

Ref: Do not edit the class manually.

APIs for core_v1

Ref: Do not edit the class manually.

APIs for rbac_authorization_v1

Ref: Do not edit the class manually.