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Setting up Jaseci Server

Jaseci Server allows for the development of APIs to interact with your JAC Program.

Step 1: Installing

To Install Jaseci Server run following in a bash terminal;

pip install jaseci-serv

Step 2: Setting up database

After installing the Jaseci Server, you have to setup the database;

jsserv makemigrations base
jsserv makemigrations
jsserv migrate

This will create a database that will be used to run a jaseci instance of our application. Install the Schema and Database. It creates a mydatabase file in your working directory.

Step 3: Starting the server

Start the server;

jsserv runserver

If everything is fine you will see following in the terminal;

Watching for file changes with StatReloader
Performing system checks...

System check identified no issues (0 silenced).
April 26, 2023 - 01:36:28
Django version 3.2.18, using settings 'jaseci_serv.settings'
Starting development server at
Quit the server with CONTROL-C.

Visit localhost:8000 from your favourite browser to access the server.

Step 4: Creating Super User Account

Let's now spawn 2 new terminal in our current working directory. In new terminal 1

Create an account for the server.

jsserv createsuperuser

You will be prompted to enter an email and password.

In new terminal 2

Step 5: Logging to Super User Account

Start jsctl, Run;


Login to Jaseci Shell

jaseci> login http://localhost:8000

login with the credentials used to create the super user earlier. After successfully logging in, you will see a token that you will require later.

Token: 65eb08dfa3e31c770a203a87e37f047db81b3cf0123458b9062d2ed099193d7d
Login successful!

To get the token via postman; open up Postman

  • Grab a token from Jaseci that represents an active session of the super user. Make a Post request to user/token
  • Body of the request is as follows:
"email" : "",
"password" : "password"

If everything goes well the post request will return with the following response;

"expiry": null,
"token": "0877c50e1f2cb284609b8ee2b5cd6c35c615e8d3791cacca820a1ed0af3d3806"

Copy token returned from the response and save it somewhere.

  • Grab a token from Jaseci that represents an active session of the super user. Make a Post request to user/token
  • Body of the request is as follows:
"email" : "",
"password" : "password"

If everything goes well the post request will return with the following response;

"expiry": null,
"token": "0877c50e1f2cb284609b8ee2b5cd6c35c615e8d3791cacca820a1ed0af3d3806"

Copy token returned from the response and save it somewhere.

Step 6: Running a Jac Program in the Server

Let's use a simple hello world program to demonstrate Jaseci Server;

walker init{
std.out("Hello World");

Save the above program as main.jac and compile it program to JIR bit

jaseci> jac build main.jac

Step 6.1: Register a new Sentinel

To register a new sentinel for compiled main.jir

jaseci> sentinel register -name main -mode ir main.jir

You'll see following output;

Hello World
"version": null,
"name": "main",
"kind": "generic",
"jid": "urn:uuid:21009aca-496b-42ff-ab41-83698158cba4",
"j_timestamp": "2023-04-26T03:48:10.780607",
"j_type": "sentinel",
"code_sig": "eb068084a74ba42057ef98174d7906ed"
"name": "root",
"kind": "node",
"jid": "urn:uuid:b9831f6c-e2b4-45cd-94b4-853a7779e8e5",
"j_timestamp": "2023-04-26T03:48:10.780764",
"j_type": "graph",
"context": {}

To show the entities in the code run;

jaseci> alias list

You will see output similar to this;

"active:graph": "urn:uuid:b9831f6c-e2b4-45cd-94b4-853a7779e8e5",
"sentinel:main": "urn:uuid:21009aca-496b-42ff-ab41-83698158cba4",
"main:architype:root": "urn:uuid:d0dd0fe9-9bc4-4073-baa8-762d96b90046",
"main:architype:generic": "urn:uuid:454f180b-b162-4c3a-ac65-408d28939bc2",
"main:walker:init": "urn:uuid:d6d3fc7b-1fff-433c-994f-e28b1073fc49",
"active:sentinel": "urn:uuid:21009aca-496b-42ff-ab41-83698158cba4"

Copy the sentinel active sentinel ID , we will need it later.